
Profiles of Success

Business Owner, Management, Military, Ministry


First, in Jesus name, our Lord and Savior, we give all praise and honor to God our Heavenly Father for His blessings and grace. He blesses us way more than what we deserve!

YES, YOU too can BE HERE! The formula for getting here — fail often and learn from it. PLAN — DO — REVIEW frequently!

My favorite Bible passage, Proverbs 3:5-6, tells us that “God will guide our path.” Hint, there is nothing for Him to guide if we are standing or sitting still. Step out in faith! Run this race of “LIFE” to WIN!

Next to the Bible, one of my favorite books is If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat by John Ortberg. Peter, the disciple, had to decide and then take that first step out of the boat when he walked on water. We decide what we are going to do and then step out in faith keeping our focus on our Father through Jesus Christ, knowing He will guide us and keep us on top.

Before PPLSI, Marla, my bride and better half for the best 47+ years of my life, and I have built other businesses. Some were very successful and some not so much. Failure is a part of being successful. There is NO SUCH THING AS BECOMING SUCCESSFUL WITHOUT FIRST FAILING, USUALLY MULTIPLE TIMES. That is the way it is set up to work by the Creator. Everyone that you read about in the Profiles of Success is a testimony to this FACT. We encourage you to look for opportunities that stretch you and that could lead to failure, the only place where successes are realized.

One of those businesses that we had built was a successful technology business, which we sold for a premium. We had multiple stores and employees along with all the headaches that go with a traditional business. By God’s grace, we were making great incomes, but our time was limited. Now we drive a nice car and take fantastic trips because we earn those perks through the Performance Club. Life is GREAT!

Our failures are blessings from our Father God in Jesus Christ that gives us opportunities to grow and become better and more successful, in His way. He tells us in His autobiography, the Bible, to be thankful for all our failures, for our trials and tribulations. Through these, He makes us better, stronger and more successful. There are some big failures and some small ones, but all are important for our success.

As a Christian pastor and teacher of the Bible and as founder of The Christian Way of Life Ministries, PPLSI gives us the opportunity to do both. Our goal is to be the BEST that God has designed us to be now and forever!

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